The History of Heart of God Fellowship, and Pastor Allan Pierce and Annie.

History of Heart of God Fellowship
Heart of God Fellowship was started in January, 2001. A group of about 50 people joined with Pastor Allan to start a small church. With limited options on Sunday mornings, Heart of God Fellowship met primarily on Saturday evenings for the first two years, going to parks and fields to have open services on Sunday mornings during warmer weather.
With the SeaTac Community Center becoming available in 2003, the church took the opportunity, and began meeting at that location until Fall of 2011 on Sunday mornings.
There was continually a strong connection to Union Gospel Mission at Riverton, with much teaching and ministry occurring there and in our own services. And, ministry to children has always been important, adjusting in relation to the number of children and their ages in our church.
Passing the 11-year milestone, we moved to Glendale Lutheran Church's chapel. There were minor changes (using a different sound system, changing from tape cassettes to DVDs to thumb drives for recording, etc), but the strength of the church continued to be a ministry of strengthening and encouraging believers to grow in Him, to reflect Him, and to yield our lives for His glory and purposes.
Ministry opportunities with Union Gospel Mission, both at the Riverton location and downtown Seattle, grew again in 2020 after several years of quietness.
We continue to have the "Guitar Church" on Saturday evenings.
There are regular Men's Retreats and Ladies Retreats every year, with a strong partnership with the Copalis Church in Copalis, Washington.
As we went through the covid season of 2020-2021, the church made the decision to move to a new location in September 2020, to Three Tree Community Church in Normandy Park, south of Burien. The Sunday morning service was halted. We continue to hold steady with a Saturday evening service at 6:00 pm, the Wednesday Bible studies, and the Thursday worship practice.
History of Pastor Allan Pierce
Pastor Allan Pierce was saved in 1973 through a local Missionary and Alliance Church shortly after his marriage to Annie. He immediately began to pursue God, pouring himself into studying, and singing loudly at church services. In 1974, the Pierces began attending Elim Tabernacle, and were introduced to the moving of the Holy Spirit and His ministry and fellowship.
After subsequently living in Maine for two years as a traveling shoe salesman, and being involved with Full Gospel Men's Fellowship and local Bible studies, the decision was made to attend Pinecrest Bible Training Center in upstate New York under the leadership of Wade Taylor.
Three years were spent at Pinecrest, with much Bible study and learning how to move in worship and praise to the Lord Jesus, while holding down full-time work in factories. At this time, the guitar was learned, to remember the choruses and songs!
In 1982, the Pierces moved to Seattle to join a small work for two years. In 1984, with three girls now growing up, the change was made to Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church (BPPC) to be under the ministry of Pastor Wheatley, and to allow the girls to be involved with youth groups. Allan continued to work in the shoe field, in retail and wholesale levels. He became the Sunday School Superintendent at BPPC, and then in turn began to teach adults for several years. The guitar classes began during this period.
In 1996, with the girls now grown and graduated, the Pierces felt to leave, and joined the ministry at Church By The Side Of The Road (CBSR) in Tukwila. Allan joined the ministry team formally in 1999 as an assistant Pastor. His responsibilities included outreach, teaching, guitar classes (still!), and the first Saturday night services.
In 2000, he approached Pastor Sawyer with the possibility of starting a new work, and with full approval and blessing, began the steps to start an independent church. Heart of God Fellowship was birthed in January 2001.
We passed our 20th anniversary in January 2021. Pastor Allan continues to minister to and pastor Heart of God Fellowship, and when there is opportunity, to men at Union Gospel Mission.
Heart of God Fellowship was started in January, 2001. A group of about 50 people joined with Pastor Allan to start a small church. With limited options on Sunday mornings, Heart of God Fellowship met primarily on Saturday evenings for the first two years, going to parks and fields to have open services on Sunday mornings during warmer weather.
With the SeaTac Community Center becoming available in 2003, the church took the opportunity, and began meeting at that location until Fall of 2011 on Sunday mornings.
There was continually a strong connection to Union Gospel Mission at Riverton, with much teaching and ministry occurring there and in our own services. And, ministry to children has always been important, adjusting in relation to the number of children and their ages in our church.
Passing the 11-year milestone, we moved to Glendale Lutheran Church's chapel. There were minor changes (using a different sound system, changing from tape cassettes to DVDs to thumb drives for recording, etc), but the strength of the church continued to be a ministry of strengthening and encouraging believers to grow in Him, to reflect Him, and to yield our lives for His glory and purposes.
Ministry opportunities with Union Gospel Mission, both at the Riverton location and downtown Seattle, grew again in 2020 after several years of quietness.
We continue to have the "Guitar Church" on Saturday evenings.
There are regular Men's Retreats and Ladies Retreats every year, with a strong partnership with the Copalis Church in Copalis, Washington.
As we went through the covid season of 2020-2021, the church made the decision to move to a new location in September 2020, to Three Tree Community Church in Normandy Park, south of Burien. The Sunday morning service was halted. We continue to hold steady with a Saturday evening service at 6:00 pm, the Wednesday Bible studies, and the Thursday worship practice.
History of Pastor Allan Pierce
Pastor Allan Pierce was saved in 1973 through a local Missionary and Alliance Church shortly after his marriage to Annie. He immediately began to pursue God, pouring himself into studying, and singing loudly at church services. In 1974, the Pierces began attending Elim Tabernacle, and were introduced to the moving of the Holy Spirit and His ministry and fellowship.
After subsequently living in Maine for two years as a traveling shoe salesman, and being involved with Full Gospel Men's Fellowship and local Bible studies, the decision was made to attend Pinecrest Bible Training Center in upstate New York under the leadership of Wade Taylor.
Three years were spent at Pinecrest, with much Bible study and learning how to move in worship and praise to the Lord Jesus, while holding down full-time work in factories. At this time, the guitar was learned, to remember the choruses and songs!
In 1982, the Pierces moved to Seattle to join a small work for two years. In 1984, with three girls now growing up, the change was made to Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church (BPPC) to be under the ministry of Pastor Wheatley, and to allow the girls to be involved with youth groups. Allan continued to work in the shoe field, in retail and wholesale levels. He became the Sunday School Superintendent at BPPC, and then in turn began to teach adults for several years. The guitar classes began during this period.
In 1996, with the girls now grown and graduated, the Pierces felt to leave, and joined the ministry at Church By The Side Of The Road (CBSR) in Tukwila. Allan joined the ministry team formally in 1999 as an assistant Pastor. His responsibilities included outreach, teaching, guitar classes (still!), and the first Saturday night services.
In 2000, he approached Pastor Sawyer with the possibility of starting a new work, and with full approval and blessing, began the steps to start an independent church. Heart of God Fellowship was birthed in January 2001.
We passed our 20th anniversary in January 2021. Pastor Allan continues to minister to and pastor Heart of God Fellowship, and when there is opportunity, to men at Union Gospel Mission.