Heart of God Fellowship - "A Heart For God - God's Heart For Others"
Pastor Allan Pierce truly has a shepherd's heart, seeking to encourage, strengthen, and feed the saints at Heart of God Fellowship. In doing this, an atmosphere of encouragement, strengthening, and care is spread throughout the congregation.
The heart of God can be summarized in one word: "Come." At the Heart of God Fellowship church, all are nurtured and taught to grow into all God's purposes for their life.
Daily devotions, a life of worship and prayer, keeping in touch with one another, a steady balanced diet of the Word and teachings - these all help us to reach for Him with hunger and purpose.
Often there is a restlessness in our heart, a thirsting that can't be put in words. At Heart of God Fellowship, roots are put down, foundations are solidified, and wings are stretched to touch His heart and please Him.
May His kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Jesus is Lord!
The heart of God can be summarized in one word: "Come." At the Heart of God Fellowship church, all are nurtured and taught to grow into all God's purposes for their life.
Daily devotions, a life of worship and prayer, keeping in touch with one another, a steady balanced diet of the Word and teachings - these all help us to reach for Him with hunger and purpose.
Often there is a restlessness in our heart, a thirsting that can't be put in words. At Heart of God Fellowship, roots are put down, foundations are solidified, and wings are stretched to touch His heart and please Him.
May His kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Jesus is Lord!